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Subheadline Web Provides Detailed Geomagnetic Activity Forecasts For Next 6 Hours

Headline: NOAA GOES-18 Reports Weak Solar Radiation, Low Geomagnetic Storm Risk

Subheadline: WEB Provides Detailed Geomagnetic Activity Forecasts for Next 6 Hours

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) GOES-18 satellite has observed solar radiation levels below the S-scale storm thresholds within the past 24 hours, indicating a low risk of geomagnetic storms at this time. WEB provides up-to-date geomagnetic activity forecasts, including storm watches, current conditions, and the forecast for the next 6 hours.

Not All Solar Storms Pose a Threat

While solar storms often make headlines, not all present a significant hazard. The severity of a solar storm's impact on Earth depends on its strength and the sensitivity of our technology to its effects.

Auroras Illuminate German Skies

In a separate development, vibrant auroras have been visible over parts of Germany. Observers have reported colorful displays in the night sky, a phenomenon caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with Earth's magnetic field.
